Mission & Vision
Highdeas is a reality that aims at enabling an always higher number of people to live a peaceful and free life, while also pursuing their creative attitude and careers.
Our mission is to bridge the gap between the non-agency creative talents and the advertising industry; allowing an incremental number of businesses to choose a truly talent-based, creative approach.
We are a group of like-minded people, wishing to pursue their highdeas by joining forces. We'd love to reunite talents from all kind of creative fields: writers, artist, designers, calligrapher, sound artists, marketers, growth hackers, developers, video makers... everyone is welcome.
Join us, build your profile, check out the offerings in the forum. And keep following your Highdeas.
Advisory Board
Highdeas Advisory Board comprise two extremely experienced International Marketing Executives with proven records in both Corporate and Independent careers, and a true Pioneer of the European Crypto Industry.